CALL FOR SYMPOSIUM ARTICLES - University of Louisville Law Review Vol. 62

Posted by Spencer Haywood, community karma 37

The University of Louisville Law Review is seeking articles and article proposals for its Spring 2024 symposium, which is titled: “A Right Delayed is a Right Denied”: Current Threats to International Human Rights. The event will be in person on March 2nd, 2024, with an optional cocktail hour for law review members, law school faculty, and authors on March 1st, 2024. The symposium will feature distinguished practitioners, academics, diplomats, and other experts who specialize in international law and human rights. Ultimately, the symposium seeks to foster important discussions, thought, and debate regarding the many issues humanity faces in our ever-changing and inter-connected world.


Those selected for publication must be available on March 2nd to present their research to attendees. Each author’s individual presentation will be roughly 20 minutes, followed by a brief question and answer period from attendees. There will also be two separate panels—one focused on war crimes and genocide, while the other will focus on human rights violations more generally, such as an infringement of LGBT rights in a specific country, the jailing of political opponents, or limitations on the freedom of speech (though these examples are not exclusive). If you wish to also be considered for the panel, or are open to participate if asked, please indicate that in your submission.


Particular attention and weight will be given to those submissions with diverse viewpoints that adopt an innovative scholarly approach. Historical and comparative projects are also more than welcome. However, we will not accept articles already appearing in another journal or already accepted for publication in another journal. Selected articles must be at least 5,000 words and no more than 15,000 words, though exceptions may be granted.


The Law Review is currently accepting submissions and will do so until September 22, 2023. Interested individuals must submit a 350-400 word abstract or a full article to the Senior Symposium Editor, Spencer Haywood, at In the subject line, please include your full name and “2024 Symposium Written Submission.” Authors will be notified of their selection no later than October 1, 2023. Upon selection, authors will work closely with the Senior Symposium Editor and other law review members to prepare for publication. Rough drafts are due January 8, 2024. The second draft will then be due February 19, 2024. The corrected work will then be sent to the author with a final draft due by May 1, 2024. The piece will then be published in the University of Louisville Law Review’s third issue of Volume 62 in the summer of 2024.


Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Senior Symposium Editor (contact information included above) with any questions.

1 Comment

mark phillips, community karma 27

The University of Louisville Law Review is the principal journal publication of the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville. Managed exclusively by students, the Law Reviews is a scholarly publication devoted to developing the law, evaluating legal institutions, and analyzing issues of law and public policy.

about 1 year ago
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