Thoughts on Distraction-Free Writing Tools?

Posted by Rob Walsh, community karma 1466

So, I'm pretty wild about distraction-free writing tools. I just wrote a blog post and shot a video of my favorites. There's another question in The Conversation about people liking tools besides MSWord.

Let's be real, if I sent you a .md file, I'm sure you'd be all - 'what the heck is this?'. Which is upsetting to me, because other file formats aren't considered 'document-worthy' - as if .doc has been the only text format that has ever existed.

So if you need to bone up on distraction free tools here are a couple to check out:

1. IA Writer
2. Mou

Do any of you folks use distraction-free writing tools? What are your thoughts on this trend? Do you think MSWord deserves to be the standard by which all other text editors are judged?


Brian Cody, community karma 169412

I've started using Textmate for everything, and filing my screen with the window so I can't see anything else.

On the iPad, I like HelvetiNote, which also allows you to write directly into the document. I use a stylus for writing notes directly, and I've noticed the speed at which I write by hand is more conducive for thinking and reflecting than when I type (which seems to take extra brainpower to translate thinking into typing and hence I don't seem to reflect as much on my ideas).

almost 13 years ago
Steve would take that stylus and throw it out the window :)
Rob Walsh – almost 13 years ago
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Huong Le, community karma 241

I have never used them and honestly have never heard of them. I do agree that all of the "stuff" at the top can be a bit distracting--and frustrating (!) when you can't figure out how to do what you want to do.

Add to that the fact that it looks different on a Mac/PC (ugh).

With all of that said, I really don't see myself using other tool since I've always used Word. It doesn't really "distract" me from writing (that I can tell).

almost 13 years ago
"I don't see myself using another tool since I've only used Word." Way to be open-minded and forward thinking there, buddy.
Rob Walsh – almost 13 years ago
Well, no need to be mean about it sir. Word doesn't "distract" me so I don't see the need for a distraction free writing tool. I know how to use word and it doesn't bother me. Why would I need to use something else?
Huong Le – almost 13 years ago
Oh, now the internet thinks we're fighting... I was surfing around the web about DFWT and found a post about a plugin that gets rid of a lot of the chrome found in Word ( One thing the author says that I thought was pertinent is: "Whenever I write about distraction-free writing tools, some smart-aleck always says "Why don't you just maximize the Word window?" Here's why: Even when you maximize Word and hide your Windows Taskbar, your view is surrounded by distractions. The Word interface itself is a distraction. To really understand the power of distraction-free editors, you have to spend some time writing in one."
Rob Walsh – almost 13 years ago
Huong Le – almost 13 years ago
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